Monday, April 27, 2009

Survey Time

Okay, on occasion curiosity get the better of me and I put a poll or survey out to get answers to whatever questions may be floating around inside my brain. So today's questions have to do with greeting cards & all 3 are pretty simple and straightforward questions-
1-In the last few years, what are some of the occasions you can remember buying greeting cards for.
2-Whom did you purchase the cards for- friends or family?
3-What id the most important element in a greeting card that you look for(i.e. art on the card, inside verse, humor, etc)?

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Wow Check This Article Out

I'd like to send a big thank you to BellaOnline's Creative Editor for the wonderful interview & feature spotlight article in this week's Creative Section!
If you didn't get the chance to check it out, just click Feature Article to see!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Shop Tam Moody Greeting Cards

Lots of new cards available!!!
Mother's Day, Graduation, Teacher Appreciation,
Bridesmaid Invitations & more!!!
Check it out!

Friday, April 3, 2009

New Spring & Summer Themed Cards

Hope you will take time to stop by Tam Moody Greeting Cards and check out my newest creations! I have greeting cards for all occasions- including a vast selection of invitations and everyday cards, notecards, blank cards, cards for gift giving, business greeting cards, and bridesmaid, engagement, and wedding invitations!
Below is one of my newest invitations!