Monday, January 11, 2010


Well hopefully 2010 will bring a fresh new perspective in our lives! Here's to new and renewed hope, inspiration, faith, and beginnings. This year I have actually made the choice to set some new goals for myself which is really not something I care to do each year. I tend to find new year's resolutions annoying for the most part because people tend to set unrealistic goals for themselves and then drop them a quarter of the way into the year. I mean why bother-right? But mine aren't too overly outlandish or unrealistic- really more of a rebalancing of time and choices.
As far as job and career related goals: I'd like to concentrate on more character creations, do a little more wildlife and landscape painting, I'd like to fit some portrait art into the equation also focusing on dancers. I'd like to concentrate on some new things to license this year also- not sure if I would like to do gift wrap and party supplies or what.
New Interests- working on my children's stories- I would like to drag the "The Woodnik King" out of the closet and dust off my little fantasy friends for that story and put some serious effort into bringing them to life. Maybe even invite Lucy Periwinkle back over for a few visits and see what sort of trouble she has gotten herself into lately. Not sure if the world is ready for her though- she really cracks me up.
Personal goals for 2010- losing weight -cutting back the food intake and walking more. Probably sounds a little boring I know, but gee not real earth shattering science involved in weight loss. There aren't any miracle drugs or cures to getting back into shape unfortunately. I just need to scale back on all of the hours upon hours of artwork each day and make a little me time. Just cutting back has proved to be a step in the right direction. Have already lost over 15 lbs. Which is great. I plan to eat a lot healthier this year too. After Mom and Dad's bouts with cancer last year- I have sort of realized the neccesity to pay a little more attention to my health and the choices I make. Also having bloodclots in my lower leg has seemed to be a wake up call for me. I haven't been taking very good care of myself in the past few years because I have focused so much effort into my artwork and building my online business. But I can see the need to balance everything out a little more. Spending 80 or 90 hours a week on art and trying to fit a little sleep in between doesn't paint such a pretty picture health wise.
Well I guess that is about it for my venture into 2010's newbie list. So I will make an effort to update now and again to let you know how things are going. If you have a list of your own, please by all means, share away.
Take care til then peeps!