Saturday, October 30, 2010

Santa in Lawn Mower Sleigh Christmas Cards from

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Visit Tam Moody Greeting Cards for special Savings!

Free Shipping when you order 10 greeting cards or more on GCU -
Need a custom card for personal use or for your business? Contact me today!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Visit Me on Zazzle!

Cheerleader Bear with Pom Poms T-shirts from

Cheerleader Bear with Pom Poms T-shirts from

Friday, October 8, 2010

An 'Opportunity' for Employers

What ever happened to the good ole' days when the word 'opportunity' meant something positive or good was on the horizon. When I was young, if you had an opportunity, you were one of the luckiest people in the world because new doors were opening and you had unlimited possibilities. Life was taking a whole new direction and things were definately going to be better!Today, however, the word is taboo.
I cringe at the sound when I hear someone say it because basically it means change is coming- possibly big changes- and you have no control over them. Many times in business, especially in personnel matters, the word opportunity pretty well means one of three things:
1- The person in charge has found a way to chew your ass out for some negative trait you have that he's never liked.
2- You're about to be demoted or put in a position which requires a hellacious amount of extra work while your pay is substantially lowered.
3-Your not-so-happy ass is about to land in the unemployment line.
I don't know about you, but personally, I wish most employers would just shove that word somplace where the sun doesn't shine because it isn't an "opportunity" it is a reprimand. So they just need to grow some nads and stop beating around the bush. Life is so much simpler for everyone involved when you say what you mean. Don't candy coat it, don't try to make it sound better than what it is- just do it and get it over with. Your employees and associates aren't stupid and they are not mushrooms- really they do not sit around in the dark and wait for the next dose of shit you are going to try to feed them. They are intelligent individuals, who at least, deserve respect and honesty from you. If you are not willing to give a little direct honesty, how do you ever expect to get any in return? Just treat them the way you would like to be treated and in most cases you will be pleased with the results.
Now, see- I just exercised one of those so called "opportunities" without skirting around the issue or doing any little dances for you. It was straightforward, direct and we're both still alive. So where do you go from here you ask- what positive steps do you take to improve your relationships with your employees? Well basically, stop dickin' around. Stop hiding in your offices, stop treating your people like mushrooms and start getting to know them. Listen to their ideas. Ask them for advice. They are out there going to bat for you on a daily basis, so take care of them and most importantly use those 'opportunities' the way they were intended- to let them know when they are doing something right. Not only will your relationships improve, your business will also. Anyhow- take my advice or leave it- the choice is up to you.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Artist Websites

Get a professional art website today!
I have had sales from this website
so I know that it works!
Besides that it is a wonderful way to promote your artwork
and get more exposure!
Websites for Artists

Friday, October 1, 2010

Need t-shirts? Contact me and request a design for your club or organization!

Screen Printed T Shirts

Need a t-shirt design for your club or organization?
Contact me today and request a design or simply click the link below to design your own!

Screen printing