Thursday, November 24, 2011

Mom's Old-Fashioned Cornbread Dressing With My Twist

Mom's Old-Fashioned Cornbread Dressing (With Tam's Twist)

Preheat Oven to 425 for cornbread. Then put it on 325 for dressing.
Butter large baking dish- I use throw away pans with lids for family get-togethers- no dishes that way!!! lol I make my dressing up the night before, cover and refrigerate.
Cornbread made from Yellow Cornmeal- (double recipe on back of bag to make 13x9 inch pan of cornbread- I use the recipe that calls for flour in cornbread.)
Bread Crumbs (5-6 pcs bread- white or wheat)
2 packs saltine crackers crushed
4-5 teaspoons Sage
2 tsp Thyme
Salt Pepper
1 cup salted butter
one large onion
6 stalks celery diced
2-3 dill pickles chopped fine
4 large eggs whisked
8-10 cups chicken broth or chicken bouillon ( I use half of each)
*Optional- you can cook the turkey giblets, chop up fine and add if you like.

13x9 pan of cornbread- To Prepare Cornbread: just follow recipe on your yellow cornmeal bag. I double it for 13x9 pan.
*Helpful Hint- I add oil to the pan and heat it in oven until hot, then add my cornbread mix- this seals the bottom and keeps it from sticking to bottom too awfully bad.
Cool and crumble in large bowl. Add bread crumbs from five to six pieces of bread- wheat or white- don't care- up to you. Add two full packs of crushed saltines. Add salt and pepper to taste- add 4-5 teaspoons sage- more or less depending on your tasters, add one or two teaspoons of Thyme- toss or mix well and set aside.
 In sauce pan, melt 1 cup butter, saute until tender: one onion and five or six diced celery sticks, two finely-chopped dill pickles. Add to cornbread mix.
Add melted butter and let cool. Whisk 4 large eggs together and pour in. Add 8 cups of chicken broth- I use half chicken broth and half broth made from chicken bouillon. Mix well and add to buttered baking dish. Bake at 325 for a couple of hours or so- depends how brown you want it to be. Very tasty stuffing! Serves at least 12-15 people.

***Please Note: Mom's original Recipe does not call for bread, crackers, eggs, or Thyme. And she always used turkey giblets and a little of the broth from where she cooked the giblets.***

Black Friday Sale

We are having a Black Friday Sale at Greeting Card Universe! All cards are 50% off! 
Simply use code: BLACKFRIDAY2011 at checkout to receive your discount! 
This is an excellent way to stock up on birthday cards, employee anniversary cards, thinking of you cards, Christmas Cards, note cards or any other cards you might need next year! 

Monday, November 21, 2011

Nissan Juke

Well I finally got a new car at Nissan over the weekend . We purchased a Nissan Juke. Couldn't get over how cute the car was. Our Trailblazer was getting old and it was time to finally bite the bullet & get another vehicle. We took son car shopping and I hadn't planned on getting one for myself, but Steve said we would get one. I really like the Juke- it is as spunky as it is cute. Waiting to see what kind of gas mileage I end up getting and then I will post again on the subject.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Stress Relief

I think one of the hardest life-related tasks for anyone to learn is constructive stress relief. I refer to it as constructive because so many times people eat, drink, smoke, or partake in some other form of destructive habitual behavior to cope with stress. Many people today suffer from obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure and other illnesses or addictions because people do not learn to cope with stress in an active and positive manner. I, for instance, am as guilty as anyone. Just twelve short years ago, I was in great shape. I walked five miles a day and was at a healthy weight until I had several life-changing events happen. I got married, then  my husband had several life-threatening illnesses and major surgeries, my father-in-law passed away, both of my parents were battling cancer, my son began driving, then graduated from high school and started college, I left my job and was in college again, then I began experiencing marital problems- gosh, you name it and it was happening. I let myself get bogged down with all of the pressures and stress. I was heartbroken and depressed and began eating and smoking more (a lethal combination), then I began gaining weight and suddenly I was obese, had no energy, felt horrible, my blood-pressure began shooting up and I hated to go out in public.  After losing my Dad earlier this year, I began evaluating my health and bad habits and I decided that if I want to live long enough to see my grandchildren, then I needed to make some positive lifestyle changes. For my first plan of action, I decided to join weight watchers and have since lost almost twenty pounds. Losing weight has helped my energy level, so I began walking again. Not only can I see a huge difference in my attitude and energy level, but feelings of depression since my Mom and Dad's illnesses began six years ago, have started to subside. I can see how easily middle aged people like myself can fall into this trap. We are straddled with the pressures of mortgages, bills, work, kids, aging parents, marital problems, and for some, we are becoming empty nesters. The stress load is at an all-time high for us. So I think figuring out constructive ways to handle stress is a good idea. While many of my suggestions may seem a bit simple or unoriginal, they will help relieve some of the stressful problems that may be gnawing away at you!
1- EXERCISE- you'll be amazed at how much better you will feel just blowing off a little steam walking or lifting weights. If you don't like that- why not crank up the stereo and dance like an idiot- the way we all did in Jr. high or high school.
2- Get a support system! Grab a friend, buddy, family member, counselor, or anyone you feel comfortable talking to and unload!
3-What is your hobby? Do you like to paint, build model airplanes, fish, hunt, or play a sport? Then do it! You'll be amazed at how much better you will feel taking time out to do something you enjoy! Just lose yourself in it! Not only will you keep yourself out of the kitchen, but you may decide to try a new activity and actually stumble across a hidden talent or hobby you never knew you might like!
4- Do some of the jobs around your house that you have been procrastinating on! Clean out the drains and gutters, clear your house of clutter, rake leaves, get your garden ready for next year, whatever you can do to get yourself up off the couch and stay busy!
5-Try writing about your feelings- keep a journal or create a blog! Getting your thoughts and feelings out  helps relieve some of the stress and can lead to new ideas that may be lurking in the cobwebs of your creative mind!
6- Grab your partner and go out on the town- go dancing or see a movie- something you don't normally do together. Maybe a romantic walk on the beach or through the woods together will allow you some time to talk and bond with each other! Maybe you could tackle a fun week-end project together -like re-doing a bathroom, building a porch swing, just anything you might do to enjoy one another's company and improve an area of your home or yard at the same time. 
7-Sit down and make a list of all the things you like about your life and all of the things you would like to change about your life. Don't do this light-heartedly either! Keep it down to earth - identify those problem areas, then make a plan to start making positive changes! Take control of your life again! But do more than just put it on paper- commit just for two or three weeks and see if you don't feel some sense of accomplishment!
8-Pick a room in the house and make it yours! Create a space where you can go to de-stress! Make it lively or warm and inviting- the important part is to create a place where you can go to forget your troubles and cares and relax. Maybe do a little yoga or meditation and get away from all of the hustle and bustle of everyday life! How long has it been since you took a bath or soaked in the hot-tub? Pick just one hour in your day, light some candles, and enjoy a nice long bath or shower. Play a little music you enjoy and baby yourself again. 
While not all of these suggestions may be for you, maybe they will help invoke some thoughts about ways you would like to relieve stress. And if you have any suggestions for other ways people might be able to reduce stress and live a healthier, longer, and happier lifestyle, then share your thoughts and ideas in the comment section! You never know, you might help someone out there make a much needed and positive change!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Free Shipping at Greeting Card Universe

FREE SHIPPING when you order 5+ cards - use code 2011NOVSHIP5. Ends Nov. 7th. US only

Boot Scootin' Benefit

We attended the Boot Scootin' Benefit for Mountain Grove Non-Profit Charitable Organizations last night. Over $16,000 was raised and donated to local charitable organizations. They had a chuck wagon-style dinner with appetizers, wine, steak, baked potatoes, rolls and refreshments. I was a little humbled by the whole affair. The Downtown Association, which is one of the groups I'm a part of received a check for 1,000. from the group who did the fundraising for the affair. You'll have to forgive my ignorance, but I am terrible with names. One of the other recipients who received a 2000.00 donation was trying to give her speech and started crying, I was taken back a little by how much the donation meant for her organization. It was rather touching to say the least. She donates her own time, money, and dedication , plus opens her heart to unfortunate residents -mostly children to teach them how to play music. In turn, the people she offers free music lessons to, do charity work to help other unfortunate individuals with cleaning drains, doing yard work, etc for those who can no longer complete these tasks themselves. I had not heard of her efforts until last night, but definitely would like to help in her effort because I believe it is a good community program. I would like to help do some fundraising for her organization next year.  We listened to some pretty incredible music from her group last night, the age range was 3 to 65. Violins, cellos, clarinets, flutes, drums, you name it- they were excellent. This girl writes her own music so all of the people at any stage, from beginner to advanced, can play in the concerts. I will tell you, it was a humbling display of what charity is all about! While most people know I'm not a very social person and avoid many public events like the plague, I must say last night, I felt rather fortunate and privileged to be part of the occasion. It definitely renewed my faith in the goodness of mankind and inspired me to try to get more involved with other organizations and their efforts. So I guess my plea to readers today would be to get involved in your community and see what you can do to help others. Do you have a talent or knowledge that could help one of your local organizations to help people in your community? If so, why not get involved and do as the Good Lord intended, get involved in the bigger picture and mingle in your community a little. You never know whose lives you may touch, whose hearts you may open, or who you may inspire along the way.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Seat Belts Save Lives

Well son was in an accident last night. As a parent I believe that is one of your greatest fears, that a police officer will show up on your doorstep or you will get a call. I don't think anything really prepares you for that panic, fear, and shock that rushes through you when it does actually happen. You are on the verge of freaking out and falling apart, but you pray for help holding it together long enough to get there and be by their side. Actually,you spend a lot of time praying in the time it takes to get to that hospital. I spend a lot of time praying anyways for God to watch over them and make sure they are okay and that they are safe. I am just so relieved and thankful he is still here and okay. He was wearing his seat belt, so glad I always harped about how important it is to wear one. But even more glad and thankful God was looking out for him. Here is a link to the pictures of the wrecked car.

Don't want anymore of those calls. I remember twenty years ago when DJ and I were together and his son Andy was in a wreck at 19- he was not wearing a seat belt and it was a very different outcome. Andy died  in a matter of a few hours. He was brain dead. In a few precious moments everything changed. Part of me felt like I was re-living the horror of that night all over again- very emotional. I am just so thankful my son is still here.
I know many people but don't like to wear seat belts, but they can really save a life. In this case, one saved my son,   so please stress the importance of wearing one to your own kids because tomorrow one could save your son or daughter.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Random Thoughts

My Mom had good health reports today! Hard to believe a doctor's visit could make one person so happy! But I was absolutely elated when I heard she was doing well and she was cancer-free! In January four years will have passed since she was first diagnosed with lung-cancer. She lost an entire lung, but since then she has had no other signs of cancer! She even gained three pounds since her last visit! This was the best news all year!  Losing Dad earlier this year to abdominal cancer has been tough on all of us, but I know he would have been so happy if he'd been there to hear she is still okay.
Aside from that happy news, I have lost nearly twenty pounds on Weight Watchers so far. I really like the Weight Watchers program because it is so easy to follow and I can still have all of the foods I enjoy. I just have to make sure I stay within my point range every week. I am learning most of the things I ate were actually not all that bad for me, I just needed to watch my portions a little more closely.
If anyone has a good recipe to pass along- please post and share with everyone! Or tell me how your diet program is working! What do you do for exercise? Do you have a fun way to exercise that makes it seem like it is not exercise? Share it here! We can all use pointers and fun tips!