Monday, November 7, 2011

Stress Relief

I think one of the hardest life-related tasks for anyone to learn is constructive stress relief. I refer to it as constructive because so many times people eat, drink, smoke, or partake in some other form of destructive habitual behavior to cope with stress. Many people today suffer from obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure and other illnesses or addictions because people do not learn to cope with stress in an active and positive manner. I, for instance, am as guilty as anyone. Just twelve short years ago, I was in great shape. I walked five miles a day and was at a healthy weight until I had several life-changing events happen. I got married, then  my husband had several life-threatening illnesses and major surgeries, my father-in-law passed away, both of my parents were battling cancer, my son began driving, then graduated from high school and started college, I left my job and was in college again, then I began experiencing marital problems- gosh, you name it and it was happening. I let myself get bogged down with all of the pressures and stress. I was heartbroken and depressed and began eating and smoking more (a lethal combination), then I began gaining weight and suddenly I was obese, had no energy, felt horrible, my blood-pressure began shooting up and I hated to go out in public.  After losing my Dad earlier this year, I began evaluating my health and bad habits and I decided that if I want to live long enough to see my grandchildren, then I needed to make some positive lifestyle changes. For my first plan of action, I decided to join weight watchers and have since lost almost twenty pounds. Losing weight has helped my energy level, so I began walking again. Not only can I see a huge difference in my attitude and energy level, but feelings of depression since my Mom and Dad's illnesses began six years ago, have started to subside. I can see how easily middle aged people like myself can fall into this trap. We are straddled with the pressures of mortgages, bills, work, kids, aging parents, marital problems, and for some, we are becoming empty nesters. The stress load is at an all-time high for us. So I think figuring out constructive ways to handle stress is a good idea. While many of my suggestions may seem a bit simple or unoriginal, they will help relieve some of the stressful problems that may be gnawing away at you!
1- EXERCISE- you'll be amazed at how much better you will feel just blowing off a little steam walking or lifting weights. If you don't like that- why not crank up the stereo and dance like an idiot- the way we all did in Jr. high or high school.
2- Get a support system! Grab a friend, buddy, family member, counselor, or anyone you feel comfortable talking to and unload!
3-What is your hobby? Do you like to paint, build model airplanes, fish, hunt, or play a sport? Then do it! You'll be amazed at how much better you will feel taking time out to do something you enjoy! Just lose yourself in it! Not only will you keep yourself out of the kitchen, but you may decide to try a new activity and actually stumble across a hidden talent or hobby you never knew you might like!
4- Do some of the jobs around your house that you have been procrastinating on! Clean out the drains and gutters, clear your house of clutter, rake leaves, get your garden ready for next year, whatever you can do to get yourself up off the couch and stay busy!
5-Try writing about your feelings- keep a journal or create a blog! Getting your thoughts and feelings out  helps relieve some of the stress and can lead to new ideas that may be lurking in the cobwebs of your creative mind!
6- Grab your partner and go out on the town- go dancing or see a movie- something you don't normally do together. Maybe a romantic walk on the beach or through the woods together will allow you some time to talk and bond with each other! Maybe you could tackle a fun week-end project together -like re-doing a bathroom, building a porch swing, just anything you might do to enjoy one another's company and improve an area of your home or yard at the same time. 
7-Sit down and make a list of all the things you like about your life and all of the things you would like to change about your life. Don't do this light-heartedly either! Keep it down to earth - identify those problem areas, then make a plan to start making positive changes! Take control of your life again! But do more than just put it on paper- commit just for two or three weeks and see if you don't feel some sense of accomplishment!
8-Pick a room in the house and make it yours! Create a space where you can go to de-stress! Make it lively or warm and inviting- the important part is to create a place where you can go to forget your troubles and cares and relax. Maybe do a little yoga or meditation and get away from all of the hustle and bustle of everyday life! How long has it been since you took a bath or soaked in the hot-tub? Pick just one hour in your day, light some candles, and enjoy a nice long bath or shower. Play a little music you enjoy and baby yourself again. 
While not all of these suggestions may be for you, maybe they will help invoke some thoughts about ways you would like to relieve stress. And if you have any suggestions for other ways people might be able to reduce stress and live a healthier, longer, and happier lifestyle, then share your thoughts and ideas in the comment section! You never know, you might help someone out there make a much needed and positive change!

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